La Madonna

Jean Paul Gaultier designed these buxom beauties as objets d’art, not just liquid containers, in 1993. Recognize the cone bra?
La Vie Française

These ceramic lovelies would look right at home on Marie Antoinette’s vanity table.
Taj Mahal

Each year, Estée Lauder releases a beautiful, limited-edition, solid-perfume compact; the Taj Mahal was the crown jewel of 2003.
Arts and Crafts

One enterprising artist decorated a plain glass bottle with vintage rhinestone jewelry as a present for friends.
Gunga Din

It might look like something out of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, but holders like this were very popular in the 1920s and ’30s.
The Glass Menagerie

More examples of Estée Lauder’s exquisite solid-perfume collection. The gambling machine is an especially funny touch.
Guerlain Shalimar

Guerlain’s flagship fragrance has been wildly popular since 1925. This particular bottle is more than fifteen inches tall!
The Jar Collector

England’s Harris Museum’s claim to fame is that it houses the largest perfume-bottle collection in the world. It all belonged to one woman, who bequeathed it to the museum in totality.
The Littlest Bottle in the World

Okay, so it’s not actually the smallest bottle in the world, but Thumbelina sure would enjoy it.
Guerlain in Paris

A stunning display at Guerlain’s Champs-Elysées store.
Coral Cascade

Who wouldn’t love something this beautiful in her Christmas stocking?
Vintage Embroidery

A beautiful petit-point rose graces the front of this vintage perfume bottle from Austria, made by Tompadour in the late 1960s–early ’70s.

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