Robert Bradford, a part-time psychotherapist from Cornwall, UK, do something creative with old toys.
His first artwork was an Alsatian dog that he doesn’t much like these days. But this was the experiment that started his career as an artist. That was four years ago. Since then, Robert Bradford has used thousands of toys to make truly incredible toy sculptures, like the soldier and angel you see in the photos below.
The artist uses up to 3,000 used toys for each of his toy sculptures and sells them for prices that go as high as 12,000 British pounds. That’s pretty expensive, but hey, it’s art, right?
Visit check Robert Bradford’s official site for more photos and info about his beautiful works of art.
via Dailymail

Toysaurus is the creation of Japanese artist, Hiroshi Fuji, a man with a ton of patience. That’s the only way to explain how he built that thing, one toy at a time.
Apparently, Hiroshi Fuji spent years collecting old toys, before he began working on this ferocious masterpiece. Toysaurus is on display, in Tokyo’s Rappongi District.

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