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Posted on 8/16/2012 02:48:00 PM

25 Reasons Why Japan Is Unique

Unique, cross-bred fruit

Everyone eats KFC for Christmas dinner. Well, maybe not EVERYone, but at least a lot do.

Some of the world’s safest streets, on which you can go walking in the middle of the night with no worries

Fancy Japanese coins. Their 5 and 50 yen coins have holes in them.

Capsule hotels

 Electronic toilets/bidets
Buttons for summoning a server at family-style restaurants

Multistory robot-operated parking garages

Heated toilet seats

Love hotels everywhere

An incredible variety of KitKat flavors. Wasabi, anyone?

Vending machines of all types everywhere
“Lucky bags” (sold during New Year’s)

Really high-priced movie tickets

The world’s tiniest hotel rooms

Pachinko parlors everywhere

Hot springs just for your feet

 Squat toilets

 Clean, drinkable water from the tap

Free tissue packets handed out on the streets

The complex blueprint of Tokyo
 Trains and Buses ALWAYS come on time. In the rare case that they don’t, they pass out tardy notices for you to give to your employer.

Kids’-sized beverage cups for adults

Japanese people are really into Yahoo!, but have been switching over to Google lately.

 via weirdasianews.com

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