Aug 4, 2012

10 Strangest Things For Sale on eBay

Barack Obama Toilet Paper

If you want to wipe your butt with democracy, this is the toilet paper for you.
This item sells for just $5.94 a roll, which would also buy you an entire pack of regular toilet paper, for the record.

Civil War Foot Prop

This isn't just any foot — it's a Civil War soldier's infected, severed foot.
Well, it's actually a handmade prop. And it's all yours for just $39.99 plus shipping.

Haunted Demon Power Ring

For $165, you can have "the radiating, enchanted sigil ring of enochian alchemist." Apparently, it "grants the powers of wealth, sexual attraction and power."
The marketing on this demon ring is top-notch. There's even a YouTube video.

Taxidermy Duckling

This taxidermied baby duckling looks so real, you'd think Chuck Testa made it.
It's currently up for bid at $21.50, but you can still beat the three people fighting over it.

Haunted Baby Doll

The seller claims that this baby doll houses the spirit of a neglected 7-year-old middle child with autism.
She goes by the name of "Candy" and she can be purchased for $24.95.

A Niece's Hand in Marriage

Looking for love in all the wrong places? Try eBay.
A woman calling herself "Aunt Diane" has placed her niece (who's apparently unaware) up for auction, starting at $9.99. The proceeds will go to Habitat for Humanity, of course.

Giant Granny Panties

Prank your friends with the world's biggest pair of underwear. $14.99 will guarantee laughter or confusion, but likely some combination of the two.

Baby Shark Embryo

Science geeks will love this baby shark embryo in a jar, for the reasonable price of $42.99.

Voodoo Spells

Looking for love? Beauty? Revenge?
Brigitte will perform a voodoo spell for you for $8.87.

Jar of Farts

Why fart in a jar yourself when you can pay $27.52 for someone else to?


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