May 20, 2010

Brands That Make You Go Yikeesss!

Is the drug problem that bad in the Netherlands? This starch obviously won't work on high collars. While Snob is not so much a Brazilian kitchen towel, more a roll of honour

You thought that was tomato pizza sauce? For red-blooded Mexicans. They may want to try Canadian pasta too - Fagottini tastes great with mushy peas

Don't try taking this soft drink on your flight from Venezuela... and as for Pocari sweat, the Japanese drink a lot of it. They work those Pocaris very hard

R Whites has a rival, but does it keep the Danes off the Carlsberg? And with Deeppresso coffee there is no chance of a caffeine buzz!

You've been warned: These Chinese crisps have a unique taste. Golden Gaytime? In New Zealand, of course, real men don't eat ice lollies...

Drink enough of Pee Cola and you will feel the effects of the beverage which keeps Ghanaians on the go... Bottoms up with Arse wine! It's a cheeky wine from French vineyards

Iranian washing powder... the results will make you sick

Genetically modified to include Viagra, perhaps? From the U.S. comes the all-new five a day

Swedes think this candy is dandy, they account for 95 per cent of sales. Wonder why...

Fillipina women are very serious about skincare - they use this Placenta night cream to keep their faces silky soft

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