1. Stalking cat 
44-year-old Dennis Avner, aka stalking cat is gone the whole hog in terms of body modification: tattoos, silicon implants on his face, pointed teeth, surgically pointed ears, piercings, attachable whiskers, claws, a bifurcated top lip and even an animatronic tiger’s tail.

2. Lucky Diamond Rich

Officially the most tattooed person in the world - he swiped the record from Tom Leppard at #10 in 2006. He has tattoos everywhere, some of the stranger places including his eyelids, inside his ears and even on his gums.

3. The lizardman

Pretty much all of his body is covered in green scale tattoos, his teeth have been filed down to sharp points and he has numerous silicon teflon implants in his head.

4. Pauly Unstoppable

He has surely the largest nostrils in the western world, plus a huge array of other ‘body mods’ to his name including scars cut into his cheeks and forehead, a split tongue, domes implanted under the skin of his forehead and many many more.

5. Kala Kaiwi

He has 67 piercings and 75 % of his body is tattooed. He chose a career in body modification, running his own studio in Hawaii. he has stretched the holes in his earlobes to 4 inches, inserted various silicon implants on his head, can screw metal spikes into the top of his skull, has a split tongue. He split his own tongue using dental floss and did all his own piercings.
6. Elaine Davidson

The world's most pierced woman, has added yet more metal adornments to her body, bringing the grand total to 6,005. She also has a number of tattoos on her body.
7. The illustrated lady

Julia Gnuse (aka the illustrated lady) was born with a condition called porphyria which causes her skin to blister regularly and ultimately scar. In order to cover this up she started getting tattoos applied over the affected areas. Now, she's the most tattoed woman in the world.
8. Rick Genest
It's the scariest human head I've ever seen. The tattoo was crafted by the chaps at ‘
derm fx tattoo‘ in montreal.

9. Etienne Dumont

He's an art & culture critic for a newspaper in geneva who just happens to be covered head to toe in some of the most vibrant tattoos. He also has silicon implants under the skin which give the horned appearance, 2.7 inch rings in each earlobe and plexiglass piercings through the nose and under his bottom lip.
10. Leopard man
67-year-old Tom Leppard seems extremely happy living in a hand-built home on the isle of skye, 99% of his body tattooed with leopard print.